Richard's ignoring the facts again
Quick, leave while you still can
Do you wish to converse? I thought not
Quotes of Doom
Filth of the highest order
Photographic madness of doom
Scroll of judgement
An introduction to myself, read once and vanish.
A fleeting idea of an idiot
Another Soul has come to the banquet table. Welcome.

If you have come here then you probably know who i am. That doesn't really matter however. What is here is a collection of my assorted workings, both fictional and artistic, (if it can be called that), there's also some other stuff to amuse.

That explains that then. If i can figure out how to add a guestbook then i shall add one and ask you to sign it.
P.S. To Naz if you're glancing upon this, any similarity to your web site will soon wither and die with any luck when you see the other pages. I have plans for this that will all fail.


Souls have come to the banquet table.

What's New?

Last updated on

'Oh Lord, what's he done now?' I hear you groan from over the horizon.

15/05/04: Added things to the Filth and links sections. I'm running out of things to include and the digital camera isn't working. But when it does. (Rubs hands together and starts salivating violently.) Um yes well anyway, enjoy.
17/05/04: Won't be adding anything new for a while. Fucking exams. So much time, none of it free.
Sometimes, life turns out exactly as you expect it to, and that's rarely a good thing.
19/05/04: Re-designed a few pages, added more to the quotes section and anoter picture to the filth section. I'll say again, 'how do you revise for General Studies?'

If you have any complaints/suggestions etc. tell me and i'll beat you about the head with a wooden spoon. Or maybe i'll consider such things and adjust the site accordingly. I haven't decided yet.