Quest of/for/of madness



Greetings to thee who hast ventured hither. If you're here then you have doubtlesly been pestered by Richard/The plywood fiend into trying out his latest contraption. Personally i'm amazed i got this far with it, usually these fads and moments of inspiration die as quickly as they come.
Anyway, this page will cover all the basic information you need to know. Firstly, this is a puzzle type game which basically takes the form of a large multiple choice test with pictures of stick figures to accompany it. Correct choices shall result in progression, faliure shall result in you being sent to an earlier stage of the game.
You play as the character of Cade Mclean, a largely unimpressive 20 something piano tuner and recovering heroin addict. He must travel through this game from beginning to end in order to find the magic weasel of the forest.
Be advised, whereas clear thinking and logic will serve you well in this game, luck, blind guessing and seemingly moronic solutions will be fare more helpful more often then not.
Finally, if you're not a fan of swearing, violence or anything that you'd deem unusual then i'd advise that you go somewhere else.
Having said that, click on the link below to get going.
Good luck.


Comments? Problems? Broken links? Want to shout at me for wasting your time? Send all comments to